Hereditary: a promising release

The journey of a disturbing director

It was evident that the career of promising director Ari Aster was going to have an outstanding development within the film industry, and even more after two shocking and heartbreaking shorts that caught the attention of critics: The Strange Thing About the Johnsons (2011) and Munchausen (2013).

It is for this reason that the release of his first feature film Hereditary generates so much expectation in viewers who love the horror genre.

Eagerness justified by the very good reviews made by the specialized press.

The idea of ​​the film arises from the own story of Ari Aster’s family, that during three years suffered all type of difficulties. And the sense of curse inspired him to develop the whole movie.

Hereditary: Dark family secrets

When the grandmother of the Graham family dies, the rest of its members do not suspect the number of curses that will fall on them. A hell that little by little will leave them no escape.

If you like horror, you cannot miss Hereditary!

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